Monday, June 27

Day #178 and We're a Family Again...

For the first time since we moved, everyone is together again.  It has been an adjustment for all of us, but we are working through it.  Today we are going to clean and organize.  Two words I'm sure my kids do not want to hear.  The main things left are hanging pictures and organizing all my sewing stuff.  Then there is the garage.  It is too hot to even venture out there!  And there is no relief in sight!  I'm just going to have to sweat it out and get it done! 

Still haven't tried pizza on the grill yet.  Maybe this weekend.  Tonight we are having grilled chicken, thinking about terriyaki chicken.  Sorry not feeling inspired to cook.  It is hot and I don't really eat much in the summer.  With the exception of fruit, veggies, yogurt, and ice cream.  Two of the four will be in the recipe I'm taking on tomorrow!  Can you guess what it will be?  Check back tomorrow to find out....

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