Sunday, February 6

Day #37 and football...

Football, what it means to me....warm comfort food.  Chicken and noodles, chili, Rotel cheese dip and chips, cookies, and brownies.  That's the menu for today's big game.  We are headed over to the Frazier's tonight, since we don't currently have cable...long story.  We were suppose to go to church this morning with the Gramke's , but I was up most of the night coughing.  Another symptom of this lovely winter.  Will spring ever come? 

Hubby did manage to get the drawer fronts on with hardware and install the plug for the new range (still in Indiana).  Hubby's frustration with the current cooking situation lead him to attempt to hook up the crappy range.  According to him, "I'm tired of not eating!"  It took 45 minutes for water to boil for spaghetti and had to set the oven to 475 degrees to bake brownies.  Two hours later, dinner was served.  Think I'll go back to using the electric skillet and crockpot, much easier and faster!

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