Friday, February 25

Day #56 and the little things...

By the little things I meant these adorable mini wine glasses.  They are a part of Pier 1's new tasting party line.  I love these because it seems like my wine always gets warm before I get to drink it all!  Mainly because I am too busy chatting or forget about it sitting on the counter as I cook dinner.  The wine I purchased while at Sprouts with my Mom, hoping to try it out this weekend. 

I didn't get to make cookies yesterday, too busy cleaning the kitchen.  I hung up the utensil bars I purchased at Ikea.  I love them!  I will take pictures as soon as my batteries recharge for the camera.  I did manage to bake a cake, a box mix.  It was Duncan Hines, Orange Supreme.  I bought it about two months ago, right before the crappy range decided to quit.  I found it while I was cleaning out the pantry yesterday.  This was the first time I used the bottom oven.  I set the temperature and wondered if I should try the convection or not, I didn't.   After 22 minutes I noticed the top was golden brown, it was done!   So glad I didn't leave the kitchen while it was baking!  It was an interesting flavor, not really what I thought it would taste like.  My family liked it I guess they ate it, I didn't get a rating since it wasn't really a recipe.  So maybe after I clean the rest of my house, start laundry, and figure out what to make for dinner I will get to make cookies!

I found this recipe from Sugar Plum!  She is an awesome baker and I can't wait to make these!  Just click on the link below for the recipe!

(Average Family Rating)

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